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Project 2 final artist statement

Writer's picture: Nadia MartinNadia Martin

My soundscape depicts a moment of disassociation, anxiety, and panic that the person experiences. I imagined that they were in a coffee shop, humming, and then they start to lose their hold on reality and get stuck in the panic in their mind. It’s supposed to be overwhelming and give a sense of horror, and by the end the person returns to reality. I also added a slightly musical element with the addition of the humming, and to me this sounded like the introduction to a Pink Floyd song at the beginning, since those can be weird sometimes. 

Based on the responses from my critique, what I intended to convey was received very successfully, as everyone mentioned feeling anxious and creeped out. The final result didn’t deviate much from what I originally intended; I wanted there to be a narrative that recorded a moment of temporary insanity and anxiety, and I followed through with that. The only changes I made were the specific sound choices, such as the addition of the whispering and the poetry reading, and the choice to return to normalcy at the end versus having the person completely lose their mind. The only things I would do differently next time would be to play around with the effects more and have more noticeable effects; I did end up using effects, mostly pitch, distortion, echoes, muffled sounds, and reversed words, but since all the sounds get overlapped during the climax, some of the effects can’t be easily singled out. But overall, I am proud of the result and the uneasiness that I created.



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